Acne Treatments Review: Superficial Vs Holistic Approaches To Acne Treatment

There are without a doubt a lot of lies, myths and fallacies surrounding acne treatments in the market out there which are all adding to the confusion and frustration facing a lot of people looking to treat their acne.

But as years of experience as a researcher and writer of skin care and health related issues have helped show me, most of this confusion and frustration comes from a failure to understand the huge difference between superficial and holistic approaches to treating acne, and it's that understanding that can mean the difference between getting the permanent results you want or a lifetime of dependence on "cures" with big promises but very little to no results.

And that's where this acne treatments review comes in: to shed some light on that very critical difference and what it all means for you as far as treating your acne is concerned, and to point out a few pros and cons to each of the two approaches.

I'll be going into a bit more detail shortly but, in essence, acne is an internal condition that's triggered by several factors inside the body, and that which is observed on the outside as pimples or blackheads or frequent breakouts, for example, are merely external symptoms of that internal environment. The biggest mistake most sufferers looking for acne treatments make is to focus on working superficially on the external alone, as opposed to those internal factors where the real problem actually lies and originates.

Superficial, Acne-Relief Treatment Approach

This is where the bulk of treatments on the market fall into- drugs and acne medications, creams or "magic potions", laser treatments and peels, you name it... and, unfortunately, it's this approach that the majority of acne sufferers fall victim to.

I'm sure you can tell by now that I'm not a fan of this approach, and I'd admit that I'm a little biased in writing this article, but for good reasons. Not only did I many times fall victim to the road that leads to nowhere with these kinds of treatment, but from an understanding of how acne is really a much deeper problem caused by internal imbalances in the body than just the surface symptoms we observe, this is just the downright wrong way to go about treating it.

Most of these treatments focus on working on the skin alone without addressing the internal factors. And, in doing so, they only mask the symptoms of a much deeper problem and only provide an "acne relief"- as opposed to cure it; and an overwhelmingly many sufferers have bought into the idea that this is what acne treatment is!

Now, don't get me wrong... certain external treatments of the skin have their place in the overall treatment of acne and can certainly be beneficial, but they should only be secondary to creating and maintaining an "acne-free internal environment"- something which can only be achieved with a holistic approach to acne treatment. While, for example, clogged or very large pores, oily or bad skin hygiene do not cause acne, they can still interfere with the healing process of the skin and make your external environment more susceptible to acne.

The only advantage (if it can be thought of as an advantage) of this approach is that most of the treatments can be effective in masking the symptoms without much work on the part of the sufferer. They are certainly not only the "quick-fix" way but also the "path of least resistance" to treating acne, and perhaps it's this that should explain why most sufferers go for them and why they never work as they promise.

The biggest disadvantages are the facts that there are many nasty short and long-term side effects associated with them, and that they create an indefinite (sometimes lifetime) dependence on them (which means that they are also very expensive long-term).

Holistic Approach to Treatment

The holistic approach focuses on the body as a whole, and not just the isolated parts like the skin. By focusing on internal and external cleansing, hormonal balancing and lifestyle optimization (including diet), the holistic way ensures effective acne treatment and lasting, sustainable results.

The biggest advantage of this is that, by attacking and eliminating the root causes of acne, you stand a good chance of ending acne for good (not just a relief) if you can get a great holistic acne treatment guide; and will, therefore, give you the permanent freedom from acne that you will never get with the first approach.

Unlike the first approach, however, this one usually involves a little more effort and discipline- as all truly worthwhile endeavours always do. And if you're ready and willing to do what it takes to end your acne and achieve beautiful clear skin once and for all, it is the right way to do it.

Take it from me, I've been there many times: Endlessly searching for an easier way, miracle cure, a fairy-tale quick fix, an acne elixir, is a misguided quest and a road that leads to nowhere.

I'm going to share with you the best guide I know to help Treat Acne Holistically, where you can discover exactly what you need to do to end your acne permanently.

It's an excellent system developed by a certified nutritionist, independent medical researcher, natural health consultant and author of the #1 best-selling e-book, "Acne No More". Click here now to go check it out.

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Does Caffeine Cause Acne?

In recent years, people are getting more and more curious about the link between acne and food. And, you're no exception; perhaps, that's why you're reading this article! As fast-foods, sodas and caffeinated beverages have become so popular, it is wise to find out whether your acne is connected to any of these. Really, the food-acne relation varies from person to person. It's because of the fact that metabolic processes and hormonal imbalances are unique to each individual. It's a common opinion that caffeine is related to acne as it increases the acidity of your body. Acid-forming foods, such as dairy foods, alcohol, caffeinated drinks etc. lower the pH of your body and increase inflammation, a significant contributor to acne breakouts. Basically, the pH of a healthy body is slightly alkaline, lying in the range of 7.35-7.45. So, let's delve into some facts about caffeine with regard to your acne problem.

Perhaps, you know that citrus fruits are acidic, but did you know that they alkalinize your body when you eat them? But, it's not the case with caffeine. It forms acids, and acidity leads to inflammation and stress, which are among the prime causes of acne. To add to the woe, acidity decreases the repairing ability of cells, meaning that acne damages may take longer to heal. Caffeine actually sets off some hormonal fluctuations and biological reactions that hamper the working of acne treatment products. For instance, when your body is subject to stress due to sleep deprivation from caffeine intake, there is an increased production of androgen, a hormone that leads to excessive production of skin cells, which clogs your pores and causes acne. Caffeine is also a stimulant, which stimulates higher production of sebum that gives way for clogged pores. Again, it stimulates the release of cortisol, the stress hormone, which triggers the production of acne bacteria.

What foods contain caffeine? Coffee, soda, some beverages and some chocolates. So, what should you do to avoid caffeine? Should I put a full stop to my morning cup of coffee? Well, it is wise to keep your caffeine-intake moderate. Why not switch to green tea, which has less caffeine, but lots of antioxidants, the most important contributors for good health. What's more, green tea helps the liver flush out toxins, a function that is hindered by caffeine. Another idea is to try to adopt a Mediterranean diet that is rich in anti-inflammatory foods like tropical fruits, vegetables, legumes, fish and unsaturated oils. Acne vitamins and supplements work from the inside. Clearade reviews state that Vitamin B5 is very effective in improving the oil metabolism in the skin.

Generally speaking, we all know that caffeine is addictive and unhealthy for the body's systems. It causes mood swings, exhaustion, etc. Studies show that it takes about four hours for caffeine to get flushed out of your system. So, if you choose to quit caffeine consumption, be careful not to be abrupt. Withdrawals may cause severe headaches, and hence, you need to increase your water intake while decreasing your caffeine intake. It is in your best interest to put in some effort to monitor your diet, as it will help you determine the foods that exacerbate your acne and also identify the healthful items that you must include in your diet to combat acne.

MIJ Sadique is specializing in skin issues and has made several studies about acne and acne remedies. He has more resources about scientifically proven acne vitamins, as well as pantothenic acid acne treatment.

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Acne Spot Treatment for Stunning Results

Apart from the "seasonal" dry skin of the winter months, acne is the most common skin problem found in teens and young adults. Unfortunately, even if you are seeing a dermatologist on a regular basis, acne can be very difficult to treat. With this in mind, here are three things you can do that may very well surprise you with their effectiveness as an acne spot treatment when you use them in combination.

1. Thoroughly wash, and then dry, areas where acne is present.

You don't need to use a special antibacterial or "health spa" soap, any off-the shelf body soap will be just as effective as the more expensive products. All you need from the soap is that it removes the skin oil barrier, and the dirt and other particles that it has trapped, that have accumulated over the course of the day. Be sure to rise with plenty of water and then to dry the area completely.

2. Use a handheld phototherapy device.

"Phototherapy" refers to the use of light to treat disease. In the case of acne and acne spot treatment, these devices use light from the "blue end" of the light spectrum to both destroy bacteria and to stimulate growth of healthy skin cells. Phototherapy for the treatment of acne has consistently been shown to be just as effective as medication such as Accutane or skin treatments applied by a dermatologist or health spa. There are a number of such devices available for purchase online, or in the "Health and Beauty" section of major national retail chains. For your safety, be sure to follow the instructions for use given on the information sheets that will be included with each product.

3. Make, and use, your own vitamin E moisturizer lotion.

After following the first two steps, your skin will probably be dry. The best way to combat this dryness while, at the same time promoting healthy skin cells, is to use a vitamin E moisturizer lotion that you "make from scratch" every time that you use it.

Making your own vitamin E lotion is far easier than you might think since you only need two ingredients: vitamin E capsules and a bottle of jojoba oil! You can find both items at any health food store and at practically all major pharmacies.

When selecting your vitamin E, make sure that you choose a preparation that contains a high percentage of vitamin E in its natural powder form. You can get this information from the data provided on the packaging on the product or by asking a pharmacist to help you find a suitable product. Make sure that your vitamin E is in the "gel cap" form, where the liquid vitamin E is encased in a soft capsule. When you have both ingredients, follow these simple instructions.

* Measure out 30 ml of jojoba oil. This is equivalent to about 2 tablespoons.
* Stick a pin into the end of a vitamin E gel cap. Squeeze the contents into your 30 ml of jojoba oil and then mix well with something similar to a toothpick.
* Use a cotton ball to softly massage your new lotion into the skin that you have just treated. You only need a thin layer, so you can dispose of any leftover lotion since you will make another "batch" the next time you use it.

And there you have it: a once-a-day acne spot treatment plan that may just surprise you with how effective it can be!

I am a freelance writer and besides conquering acne myself, I regularly research and write about skin care topics such as acne, scarring, moles, warts and the like. For more information, tips, and resources on an acne spot treatment and to uncover the easy-to-follow recommendations, visit us at

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Cheap, Easy and Natural Ways To Help Clear Your Skin From Acne

Many people, not just teenagers, get acne at some point during their lives. And to get rid of it, is often a struggle. It's a struggle because there are so many different kinds of treatments for skin conditions on the market you are probably spending your money on a bit of everything, just to get the breakouts off of your face or body. Here are some smart, inexpensive, simple and natural ways to banish acne for good.

The amount of time that you sleep every night it critical. Many people do not understand this, especially when you are young and think that you can stay up all night and then get up early. You must get seven to eight hours. If you get less than this your body gets disrupted and realize that bad sleeping habits can contribute to your skin condition, among other things.

Learn that you need to exercise in some form daily. Exercise is all the rage these days and all for good reason. It's good for you and it has many, many benefits. When you workout, it can be great for acne. It bring oxygen right to the surface skin cells that are having a problem when acne is involved.

Shower and wash your hair every day. You may have seen women with bangs who had acne all over their forehead. This is because so many oils and bacteria are in your hair. Hair is big business today, too and can be beautiful and attractive, but if you are one that is suffering from acne, you have to wash your hair every day and keep it away from your face. You also should try to not touch your hair during the day and then touch your face as to not spread the bacteria and oils.

Never stand in front of the mirror and pop pimples on your face. You may be eager just to get it out of your skin, but the reality is that when you do this, the bacteria and acne germs go on your fingers and skin. And then if you touch another area of your body the germs can become the final resting place there. So avoid doing this at all costs, let them heal naturally.

Improve your eating habits. Try to eat a diet high in lean meat, fruit and vegetables. When you follow this habit, you are encouraging your body to create new cells that are both healthy and functional. There are certain vitamins and minerals that your body needs to function and to function well you need to feed your body good food. Also drink plenty of water, it keeps your skin hydrated and has other benefits for the skin.

If you wear make-up, take your make-up off before going to sleep, you should be washing your face twice a day anyway, but a lot of women don't do this. But this is so important. Wash your face with warm water and a cleanser and dry it with a soft clean towel, then brush your teeth. This will create a good, clean feeling before you lay down and rest for the evening.

All of the above methods cost very little to do, area natural and easy to implement, so learn here that you don't need to spend a lot of money to turn your skin condition around. They are also methods that are very effective and can clear your skin in just a matter of time.

Are your struggling with acne now and are looking for ways to get rid of acne?

Discover one of the most safe and effective cures for acne on the market today by visiting

Karen Chase is an avid reader and writer, studying health and natural remedies for common ailments that affect both men and women. In doing so, she has created relationships with experts in this area. And in recommending these experts products, she may receive compensation for doing so.

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Cystic Acne Home Remedies - How to Treat Your Acne Naturally

These days, people choose cystic acne home remedies to treat their acne problems because of many reasons. For one, these remedies are known safer compared to many acne products in the market that contains harsh ingredients that can harm the skin.

Cystic acne is a severe type of acne with the growth or nodules and cysts that are painful and dangerous to the skin tissue. There are cases wherein the condition requires professional help, but if you want an efficient and inexpensive treatment, you can try these cystic acne home remedies:


Just cook the oatmeal and put it in the refrigerator to cool. Or you can easily combine instant oatmeal with water. It is important that you use filtered water since you are going to leave the oatmeal facemask on your face for about thirty minutes. Then, wash your face using warm water. This natural facemask will eliminate the oil and exfoliate the skin dead cells, which will result to a smoother and softer skin.

Baking soda

You can substitute your soap with your natural facial wash made of baking soda. This natural remedy for this condition helps exfoliate, eliminate dead skin cells and unclog the pores. Baking soda also improves the condition of the skin and even prevents the breakouts from coming back. All you need to do is to mix baking soda with a little water to make a paste. Massage the affected area in a circular motion with this facemask for around fifteen seconds then rinse your face with warm water.


Potatoes have alkaline, which is effective in getting rid of oil in the skin pores. In addition, they have vitamins that can lessen the redness and improve your skin tone. Just slice a piece of potato in half and rub it on the affected area. Leave it on your face for around thirty minutes and rinse with water.

Apple cider vinegar

This natural cure balances the PH levels on your skin, which can help get rid of acne and lessen the possibility of acquiring more cystic acne. Just mix the same amount of water and apple cider vinegar and use it to wash your face.

Citrus juice

Lemons and orange are also effective remedies because it have astringent properties. Just squeeze a fresh orange or lemon and filter the juice to eliminate the seeds and pulp. Apply the juice on the affected area and leave it for about one hour. This natural treatment can get rid of the excess oil and lessen the swelling and inflammation. After thirty minutes, wash your face with water.

Honey and aspirin

Crush two pieces of aspirin and mix them with water in order to create a paste, then apply on the face. Aspirin is effective in exfoliating and getting rid of excess oil and dead skin cells. Wash your face with clean water then apply honey to moisturize. Honey contains antibacterial properties that can help avoid infection and further breakouts.

Aside from these cystic acne home remedies, it is important to maintain good personal hygiene, regular exercise and a healthy diet in order to keep your skin healthy and younger looking.

Prevent cystic acne from bringing you down and limiting your activities. There are ways to deal with this, with tips and guides, including simple home remedies from Read up and learn more about managing cystic acne.

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Carrot Soap: Benefits and Uses

Over the years, our skins may have become dry and damaged because we have been using products that are incompatible with our skin type. We may have not known it, but our pimples and blackheads are that stubborn because we keep using harsh soaps. Well, this article can inform you about another alternative that is natural and may just be what your skin needs!

Probably most of us have heard and/or used placenta, kojic or glutathione soaps. These are only some of the most commonly used and recommended skin care soaps. However, have you ever heard or tried the carrot soap?

The carrot soap is, of course, made from the natural ingredient, carrots, which have beta-carotene. Beta-carotene is a very powerful anti oxidant that functions to remove harmful and damaging toxins from our body. In addition to that, it boosts the regeneration, renewal and removal of skin cells which makes you shed old, dead cells faster. The result is a finer and whiter skin to those who have tried the product because new, healthy cells are exposed. Acne marks and pimple scars are made lighter by the constant use of this product. Some product users have described their skin complexion as healthy, pinkish-white. It can also even out one's skin tone.

Carrot soap also contains another vitamin found in carrots, vitamin A. Vitamin A is strongly related to vision-development. Other than that, however, it also helps fight and prevent infections. In our skin, infections that commonly occur come in the form of acnes and pimples. Moreover, it has vitamin C that can also aid in healing stubborn pimples and blackheads. In a matter of days, one can see his/her pimples drying up. The vitamin C component can also help us look young and radiant because it triggers the production of collagen, a substance that is known to prevent wrinkles. Collagen is also responsible in defending us from skin-ageing.

Amazingly, this soap can also help heal wounds, burns, cuts, ringworm, skin allergies such as scabies, prickly heat, eczema, white spots while keeping the body free of emitting offensive smells. To get rid of dandruff, flaking and scalp hair destitute, you can use the product on your head and hair. Damage due to the heat of the sun is also eased through using carrot soaps.

Now, this product is slowly getting recognition. People are getting more interested with how the product works because it is mild, organic and free of chemicals- ideal for those who have sensitive skins. Some chemicals that are aggressive can cause irritation on the skin. Usually the perfume added to some soaps cause redness, burning, peeling and can make some people develop a medical skin condition. With regular use, the effects can be visible in 6 weeks and can produce results that are of a longer term. Use lotions as well to keep your skin properly hydrated and moisturized. Sun block is also necessary to protect your skin from the heat of the sun.

Martina Gerste is an online skin and health writer who is known to be an expert on safe, natural and organic remedies for skin beauty maintenance. Having a goal of continuously educating people especially women the significance of using only safe and cost effective skin care products.

See how Carrot Soap works and where to buy it. Learn more of it's other benefits to your skin to help you maintain your skin's natural beauty!

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Clear Skin Max Reviews - Best Acne Treatment

Acne is a multi-phase problem that needs a multi-component solution. Therefore, the best treatment for adult acne is a regimen that manages all factors. Clear Skin Max is, a natural and complete acne care and control system that not only successfully treats acne but also greatly helps in prevention of potential outbreaks.

What are the Ingredients of Clear Skin Max?

Clear Skin Max has at least six different Ingredients that are known to be safe for all types of epidermis including:

-Vitamin E
-Tea tree oil
-Tava tea (herbal organic tea)
-Algae extract
-Witch hazel

Additionally, Clear Skin Max also includes several active substances like anti-oxidants, vitamins and minerals, amino acids, proteins and enzymes which not only work on the skin but also on the digestive system.

All of these key Components of Clear Skin Max have been tested on different epidermis types, including sensitive and delicate skin, and have been demonstrated to be safe with no reported side effects.

How does Clear Skin Max act?

Clear Skin Max is uniquely produced with Tea Tree Oil, allantoin, Witch Hazel, Vitamin E and other special Ingredients to overcome acne and prevent the frequency of recurrence.

Research has shown that the active Ingredients within Clear Skin Max have the ability to help:

-Normalize the flow of sebum production
-Decrease the oiliness of the skin
-Remove blackheads and whiteheads
-Calm, soothe and heal damaged skin and closed pores
-Remove dead cells
-Kill microorganisms that cause acne infection

What are the ingredients of Clear Skin Max system?

Clear Skin Max is not just one acne product. It is actually a complete set of various products such as gels, oil, cream, lotion, mask & even a oral green tea (Tava Tea). Clear Skin Max system is most effective when all of its products are used together and simultaneously as a natural skin care routine to help you maintain a clean and healthy skin.

Tea Tree Oil: A natural antibiotic against viruses and bacterias, eliminates the microorganisms that cause acne, this oil also acts as daily control gel, cleansing deep into your skin pore to interrupt the breakout, leaving your skin fresh and clean.

Skin softening gel: Consisting of Algae Extract and Vitamin B3, this special gel prevents your skin from extreme dryness by keeping it hydrated and soft. Keep in mind, in acne, you need to treat your "too oily skin" in such a way that it does not get extreme dry, either. The softening gel in Clear Skin Max has been clinically proven to exert strong "moisturizing" action to prevent excessive skin irritation.

Acne vanisher mask: Primarily composed of allantoin, this vanisher mask soothes the skin and helps decrease the appearance of redness, also exfoliating dead skin cells to reveal smoother, better skin. It is widely believed that allantoin helps regenerate and recover skin cells and also helps fight the free-radicals that harm the skin and accelerate the aging process.

Pore astringent lotion: An effective combination of hazel and allantoin penetrates the skin pores to remove most imperfections and also helps reduce the potential development of dark spots. Studies have shown that "witch hazel" has powerful "anti-oxidant" properties that help eliminate "free radicals" in your skin.

Acne treatment emergency: It immediately reduces itchiness, tenderness & redness and also has soothing properties with immediate action. It keeps your complexion calm and wrinkle free, calming angry red skin and controlling the present oil levels, promoting a shine-free, clear complexion. Its special vitamin E soothes irritated skin and restores the natural antioxidant supply that is lost when your skin is fighting future breakouts. It also contains Squalene oil which has been described to promote the rapid healing and skin repair in acne-affected skin.

Tava Tea: Tava tea is a natural green tea containing strong antioxidants that protect and help restore your skin's normal resiliency to keep it looking healthy. As acne is an inflammatory skin disorder, presence of this "oral" component in Clear Skin Max system along with the above "locally applied" components is meant to deal with acne through all channels.

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